[ENG Ver.] Manaka Yaemoto During A Photoshoot!

  • [ENG Ver.] Manaka Yaemoto During A Photoshoot! [Translators Unite]
Lanzamiento 03/28/2023
Autor 寄生虫
Formato del Producto
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Idiomas Admitidos
Recuento de páginas 32ページ

Resumen del producto

Manaka Yaemoto is a very popular idol. She's come to a southern isle to shoot her latest DVD photo set, but her usual innocent personality is not what the cameraman seeks.
To help her grow as a woman, the cameraman's assistant decides to lend her a helping hand... or two.
Thanks to his amazing finger technique Manaka is dripping wet, molten hot... and burning with desire...

An entirely new, yet to be released and self-published work by Kiseichuu!

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