[ENG Ver.] The Queen of Insult

  • [ENG Ver.] The Queen of Insult [Translators Unite]
Circolo nome Translators Unite
Data di rilascio 24/06/2023
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The captured Queen suffers continuous r*pe at the hands of General Derillo as he returns to his country in high spirits, triumphant from his conquests. No doubt will he be exalted as a hero, and having attained such a hot woman as Salome... he is enjoying the peak of his life!

However, Salome is the Queen's younger sister... a cruel, cold, and traitorous woman who turned her back on blood and kingdom... and is seemingly scheming something. Crueler than even the r*pists, Salome unleashes years of pent up vengeance... She fills her elder sister's womb with snakes, and lays waste to the immortal Queen's last vestiges of hope!

Behold the obsessively merciless onslaught of Salome!

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