[ENG Ver.] Childhood Friend Debt Sl*ve 4

  • [ENG Ver.] Childhood Friend Debt Slave 4 [Translators Unite]
Veröffentlicht 02/06/2023
Autor みくたま
Alle Altersgruppen
Unterstützte Sprachen

Inhalt des Titels

A tale from the past...

Even childhood friends have a first time meeting one another!

The haughty Ai, who sticks out from the crowd like a sore thumb... found the young Ren, as poor as usual, eating flowers...

It may not be the most dramatic of tales, but no doubt did their meeting trigger something inside of her...

* Oh, and a new character will be introduced.

Part 4 of this romantic comedy about debt repayment to a childhood friend!

13 main pages
+ 2 4-panel manga pages

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