[ENG Ver.] Calico Catgirl Wants To Be Spoiled

  • [ENG Ver.] Calico Catgirl Wants To Be Spoiled [Translators Unite]
Veröffentlicht 22/06/2023
Autor 篝町狐懐
Unterstützte Sprachen
Anzahl der Seiten 35ページ

Inhalt des Titels

In heat, she begs with tears in her eyes...

This fluffy furry voluptuous calico catgirl has a tendency to bit when she's having sex.
She is regretful of the last time they had sex and her boyfriend was left with bite marks.
In heat and horny, she tries to fight the urge to bite... but her resistance is futile.

With tears in her eyes, she begs her boyfriend to let her indulge in the throes of passion.

34 main pages

Kemono Level: Light
Body Type: Voluptuous
Muzzle: Low
Pairing: Human x Furry
Supernumerary teats: None

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