RPG Escape To Las Vegas

  • RPG Escape To Las Vegas [KubeK]
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RPG Escape To Las Vegas [KubeK]
Circle KubeK
Release date Sep/28/2023
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  • This is a PlayDRM product. Please view the [ About PlayDRM ] page and confirm the contents before purchase.
Necessary Settings The application may not function unless a Japanese language pack is set properly in your PC / the System Locale is set to Japanese. For more details, please refer to [ How can I set my system locale to Japanese? ] on the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Product summary

Harold is the penniless handyman of an apartment building.
One day, he receives a telegram informing him of his wealthy aunt's death.
His goal will be to manage to arrive at the specified time at the office of the estate executor.
Will you make it on time?
But most importantly, will you be able to meet the necessary requirement to inherit your aunt's fortune?

(English product description provided by the creator.)

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