[ENG Ver.] Company Drone Living The Obsessive Fan Life Gets Otherworld Reincarnated As A FemFurry

  • [ENG Ver.] Company Drone Living The Obsessive Fan Life Gets Otherworld Reincarnated As A FemFurry [Translators Unite]
Lanzamiento 04/13/2024
Autor てこ
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Resumen del producto

A guy whose life consists of nothing other than his mind-numbing office job and his single-minded overzealous passion for his hobby... pushes himself a bit to far and kicks the bucket.

Next thing he knows, a goddess is setting him up for his next life and he ends up being reincarnated in another world as a sexy anthropomorphic woman...!? Slightly bewildered, he nonetheless indulges in his fantastical new found lease on life!

* While there is some temporary ominous foreboding, this work is a flirty lovey story, so don't worry.
* Features Male Anthro x Female Anthro (Human on the inside) content.

The digital ver. of an originally September 2023 published doujinshi.

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