[ENG Sub] Timid Girl's Fellatio Only

  • [ENG Sub] Timid Girl's Fellatio Only [Translators Unite]
Lanzamiento 03/28/2024
Ilustración デンデン太鼓
Doblador ごま豆乳
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Resumen del producto

A prostitute? A sex servant?
A timid girl follows your fellatio directions in this situation voice work!
Once your dick is in her mouth, she doesn't let it out until you cum!
She even licks it while talking~

While at first she was awkward, as the pace picks up...?

[Track List]
1. Licking Fellatio (10:53)
2. Piston Fellatio (9:39)
3. Rinse Fellatio (12:13)

Illustration includes fellatio, piston, ejaculation, post-ejaculation, tears, heart, text / text-less variations

For all lovers of fellatio and cum-swallowing!

CV: Sesame Soymilk (GomaTounyuu)
Twitter: @gomatonyu

Illustration: DenDenTaiko
Script: Tami

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