• [ENG Ver.] KATAINAKANOKOIBITO [Translators Unite]
Lanzamiento 07/20/2024 0
Autor 陽気婢
Formato del Producto
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Idiomas Admitidos

Resumen del producto

A girl visits her boyfriend who lives in a town way out in the countryside...
The moment she arrives, they begin kissing and fondling each other's bodies.

When deciding the title of this work, if I were to use kanji (Chinese characters)...
the same phonetic spelling could be written in multiple ways with different meanings.

For example:
kata-inaka-no-koibito (back country lover),
katai-naka-no-koibito (closely intimate lovers)
katai-naka-no-koi-hito (stiff... inside... creamy... person)

That's why I decided to leave it in katakana (phonetic alphabet) and not specify the meaning.
It is thus open to interpretation and a form of word play.

As for the contents of the work, it's your standard erotic manga. They just have sex.

The physically printed versions was originally released May 12th, 2019 at Comitia 128.
This is the digital version of that release.

Contains: Color cover + back page + 15 monochrome manga pages + 1 afterword page

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