Lyrical Something-or-Other-Style Magical Girl Sex

  • Lyrical Something-or-Other-Style Magical Girl Sex [Shippo Bancho]
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Lyrical Something-or-Other-Style Magical Girl Sex [Shippo Bancho]
Nama Circle Shippo Bancho
Tanggal rilis 18/11/2007
Batas usia
Format Karya
Format file
Bahasa yang didukung
Ukuran file

Konten Karya

This is a graphic sexual manga (comic) featuring the magical girl Fate-chan from Lyrical Na*oha.

The manga is a full-color production.

Fate-chan has been captured using the abilities of the Lost Logia, and now her captor says he's going to make her his plaything!

The manga contains 5-60 pages (post B5 paper size reduction).

Please see our homepage for samples and more!

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