Park Police Station! The Love Affair of a Blonde Policewoman in Late Noon

  • Park Police Station! The Love Affair of a Blonde Policewoman in Late Noon [garakutaya]
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Park Police Station! The Love Affair of a Blonde Policewoman in Late Noon [garakutaya]
Kreis garakutaya
Veröffentlicht 25/06/2008
Unterstützte Sprachen

Inhalt des Titels

"Reiko (alias)" -- 23 years old.

Height: 170cm
Weight: 46kg
B/W/H: 95.3cm/59.0cm/90.0cm

The mixed child of a Japanese father and French mother.

With blonde hair that falls past her hips, this seductive policewoman goes out patrolling in a special order patrol car.

A rich wife policewoman who works at a police station near a public park.

Enjoy Reiko's love affair as it unfolds in the small police station where she seduces her superior officer with her wild personality and luscious body!

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