The Women Lupin Loved

  • The Women Lupin Loved [love lesbian yuri]
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The Women Lupin Loved [love lesbian yuri]
Date de sortie 21/03/2014
Série オシャレなエロ本 インスパイア
Format du produit
Format de fichier
Langues prises en charge
Nombre de pages 17ページ
Taille du fichier

Résumé du produit

Over the years Lupin the Th*rd has fallen for many beautiful faces.
I, too, as a fan of the series have fallen in love with so many of the women.
The style from that era... even today, Lupin women are sexy.

I remember getting really aroused and nervous when Fujiko
did her poses or appeared naked in a scene. As a child I would panic
and change the channel, but a few seconds later I'd come back.
I was compelled for reasons not yet understood. (^^;)

5x images of Fujiko M*ne, plus Clarisse, Kikyo, Helen, Mariya, Cynthia, Susan, Becky, Sophia, Kaoru and Drew.

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