Saucy! I'm Making My Uptight Lady Boss Nao Takaoka (Married) A Sex Sl*ve With The Power Of Money!

  • Saucy! I'm Making My Uptight Lady Boss Nao Takaoka (Married) A Sex Sl*ve With The Power Of Money! [DM-FC]
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Saucy! I'm Making My Uptight Lady Boss Nao Takaoka (Married) A Sex Sl*ve With The Power Of Money! [DM-FC]
0.01 DM-FC
تاريخ الاصدار Apr-17-2015
‏صيغة المنتج
 ‏صيغة الملف
اللغات المدعومة
حجم الملف

‏ملخص المنتج

As the first top-ranking woman at corporate HQ, Nao Takaoka
was regarded with both admiring and envious eyes.
Her track record was flawless so far, but her high profile meant that
any small mistake would feed big rumors in the company.

One such day, Nao's subordinate Santa Nishikawa
got an earful from her over the phone. They used to be peers
but Nao had quickly risen up the ranks and now she treated
him like crap.

Nao was wound too tight. Santa was an unhappy underling.
Like a pressure cooker emotions were reaching critical mass...

... as was Santa's revenge plan.

DM-FC presents the r*pe of a high-powered career woman.

40 pages / Assault & seduction

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تم زيارتها مؤخرا

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