
  • SekuMeku [HaruKoma]
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SekuMeku [HaruKoma]
Cercle HaruKoma
Date de sortie 16/05/2015
Mise à jour des informations 21/05/2023
Série セクめく
Format du produit
/ セクシーキャラクターエディタ(きせかえ)
Format de fichier
Langues prises en charge
Taille du fichier

Résumé du produit

Sexual harassment & cosplay customization!?
Flip skirts and change outfits with "Seku Meku", the sexy character editor.

Choose from assorted items to adorn your character.
Flip her skirt (mekkuru) and have a peek at her panties, or take them off!

Outfit, item/hair/skin color, breast size and ear types are all customizable!
Save your favorite characters. Create a dark elf or a saucy animal woman.
Make a supermodel with light-colored areola or a titanium-clad knight!

You can play the trial version with various customizations before purchase.

1000x1000 size art

Outfit varieties: 56
Body varieties: 9
Eye varieties: 3
Hair varieties: 8

1043 total files of data

Updated to the English version.

Mise à jour des informations

  • 21/05/2023
    Modification tarifaire
    Modifié de 1,800 yen à 500 yen.
  • 16/05/2022
    Correction de bugs
    [Ver5.00]Mozilla Firefoxで「更新&お知らせ」が表示されるように対応。
  • 10/07/2019
    Correction de bugs
  • 09/07/2019
    Correction de bugs
    [Ver4.01] Android Chrome上で実行しているときにスワイプでリロードしないように修正。
  • 27/06/2018
    [Ver4.00] Mozilla Firefox Webブラウザに対応。

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