On That Fateful Day, My Fiancée's Younger Sister and I...

  • On That Fateful Day, My Fiancée's Younger Sister and I... [Rocomani]
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On That Fateful Day, My Fiancée's Younger Sister and I... [Rocomani]
Nama Circle Rocomani
Tanggal rilis 29/05/2021
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Format Karya
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Bahasa yang didukung
Jumlah halaman 28
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Konten Karya

No Role-Reversals! A Reverse NTR Rollercoaster of MADNESS!

On That Fateful Day, My Fiancée's Younger Sister and I... [Rocomani]

The protagonist is cucked away from his fiancée by his to be sister in law, Yuuyu.
But... it would seem the motive for her actions are not borne out of feelings of love...

Bear witness to Yuuyu's madness unfurl before your eyes on that very fateful day...

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