JK-ification Salon 4

  • JK-ification Salon 4 [hawkbit]
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JK-ification Salon 4 [hawkbit]
Círculo hawkbit
Lanzamiento 04/01/2022
Serie JK化リフレ
Autor 孝至
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Resumen del producto

The fourth comic about visiting a salon that turns you into a girl.

Akihiro tries to get his little sister Natsuna to quit her new job at a strange "JK-ification Salon",
but he ends up getting transformed into a girl himself...

40 main monochrome pages + character introductions + afterword / colophon

Themes: TS Girl x Girl, Imouto-fication, WAKARASE, not-FUTANARI, Strap-ons, etc.)

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