Demon Master Chris

  • Demon Master Chris [nyaatrap]
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Demon Master Chris [nyaatrap]
Nama Circle nyaatrap
Tanggal rilis 21/07/2013
Nama seri オリジナルゲーム
Batas usia
Format Karya
Format file
Bahasa yang didukung
Ukuran file
Persyaratan sistem
MacOS X は 10.6 - 10.11 のみ対応
Catatan mengenai gameplay Pastikan paket berbahasa Jepang telah diatur dengan benar di komputer Anda atau lokal sistem diatur ke bahasa Jepang. Ada kemungkinan aplikasi tidak berfungsi. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat bantuan [Bagaimana cara mengatur lokal sistem ke bahasa Jepang? .

Konten Karya

Demon Master Chris puts you in the role of a sorceress who is lost
in the catacombs of Other Realm.
Slay spirits, make friends and endure tantalizing lesbian encounters
as you attempt to escape the darkness.
You don't have to rely on your strength alone:
magical garments will endow you with different powers,
and demons can be contracted to fight alongside you.

A simple, speedy 3D Dungeon RPG.
Use the AP (Agile point) system instead of traditional MP.

Ecchi scenes play regardless of the results of battle. The are fundamentally coercion scenes.
Fingers, vibrators and tentacles, etc., are all instruments of arousal.

* Please play the trial version to confirm compatibility.
* v1.10- Fixed several bugs and improved performance.

Battle demo video:
Official site:

Informasi Karya / Persyaratan Sistem

Core2 Duo 2GHz 以上
2GB 以上 (Windows Vista+, MacOS X は 3GB 以上)
DirectX 9.0 又は OpenGL 2.0 以上

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